Wednesday, April 30, 2008
HC Bowling CHALET!!!

It is time to decide on our chalet and jts. So basically after a night of msn convo, we have decided to have our chalet at COSTA SANDS RESORT SENTOSA. It is tentatively set on 4th to 6th June (Wed to Fri). For those who cannot make it on these days, please inform us by fri before we do the booking kays? (put under comments).

Currently, only Bernice, Josh, Chong Chen, Noreen and Gabe cannot make it. It is okay if you cannot make it on one of the days, can join us later too =) juz that everyone must come! You dun wan to miss out on the fun, imagine a night with...OUR WHOLE BOWLING TEAM yay!


poohbearx | 10:38 PM


shall keep this short coz my h3 is just less than 48 hours away! argh.

today was CSM! and our dear juniors were actually sooo nice to discuss JTS and chalet. haha. we are so bonded! i love all of you! yayy. but still damn sad A divisions are over. Bernice, Tiffany, Su fen, i miss you all! ROARS! YEA! HAHA. WE ROCK. we may not have performed well enough to pull up the sch positions; but i believe the experience is unforgettable. (i didn't know i could scream so loudly till this competition :P) and i'm glad. to have all of you around.

juniors caught in the act of discussing for JTS + chalet.

just some special people i would like to thank:
firstly, ben chan. haha i have been late for the 2 days before i meet you at BB MRT station. (that's probably an understatement coz I'm consistantly late for every training as well :( ) but thanks for being so patient and still continue to wait! haha. enjoyable trips to comps and home tgt. will miss those days. thanks for the reminders to sleep early and threats to slaughter me if i don't do so + pats on the head. continue to tehh and pout :P!

next, chong chen. haha thanks for the cookies! it's sooo sweet of you. and thanks for being such a great friend! listening to all my nonsense and all. also sher, gwen, tiffany, bernice, josh, ruixian, adriel (sry i forgot you! :P) for the encouragement cards!

chongchen's cookie!

then, team 2! su fen, bernice, tiffany. :) haha thanks for always being so high and supportive with all your IMBA YEAs! jia you for next year k. love you all! TEAM 2 FTW!

also, thanks bc, sher, tiffany, cc, sophia, uncle francis for talking me out when i didn't do very well on the second day and broke down. :)

thanks gwen for being such a great captain! :))))) i believe everyone thinks so too!

and ALL of you for cheering so hard for us! and doing the sch proud! :D

(will try to post some of the photos i took on that day after my h3 exam!)

yantian | 4:34 PM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The End of a Chapter, the Start of Another
After 6 days of intense cheering/bowling, focusing/praying, the 15th National Schools Tenpin Bowling Championships have finally concluded. After the tough....Bleh i shall make this more informal...

*cue emotional music*
These past ~360shots, ~180 frames, 18games, 6days, and SLEEPLESS NIGHTS before, we have shared Joy, Laughter, Heartache, Disappointment together. *passionate tone insert here* Each strike/spare lighting a FIRE within our very soul, every open frame a heart-wrenching miss. To all those who think you've done well, congratulations and keep it up. To the complementary sets, sometimes it just cant be helped that the lanes decided to become ANTI-HWACHONG! All we can is just that we do our best there and then in our situation. It doesn't mean that just because u can bowl 170 avg on your own u have to bowl that amount. Usually people underperform in competitive situations (i've experienced my fair share of disappointments and sadness too), but what matters is that we hold our head up high, and we walk on. No one can say we didnt try our best, that we gave up hope midway. We fought for each and every pin, we shed BLOOD AND TEARS for these few days. If that is not enough then i dont know what is...
*cuts music*

Lol ok the previous para may have been a little too passionate, but still u uds the main gist of it.
I know u ALL went out there knowing the obvious, we wont win. But yet we still walked to the lanes, got ready to do our best, and went for it.
Maybe you didnt do well. Its ok. Nobody bowls at a HIGH standard consistently. What matters is (to the j1s) that you learn from this, and what u have seen of the other schs, and try and improve. 1 more year to go. JIAYOU! (to the j2s) that we tried our best. while it did not involve gng out with a bang, i still felt that this team was the BEST that HCBowling EVER produced. honestly. <333!>.<) and we may have gotten 17-1 as our overall head-on record, i STILL believe we are better than what the scores say. comparatively, this is the ONLY team which i actually truly enjoyed being with. my sec2/3/4/j1 teams, for making my swansong a great one. EVEN IF i did not bowl a 257 again...(one of my regrets) TEAM 2 WHOOSH!

to the rest:
i didnt really get to know how the chemistry within the teams were, so i shall not comment. :) (chao PC i know but...haiz bo bian) but i hope u enjoyed ur time as much as i have...

Lol i suddenly rmbed...
When when?!

Adriel LAM, PROUD member OF HCBowling07-08!

PS Benny n Janny wants a Friendly! HAHAZ!
PSS Any photos pls send me...It gets kinda sian having to keep asking ppl for it...
PSSSS 我爱你也是!

16drielz | 11:49 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
2 Days.
Hello everyone,
There's 2 days left so let's give it our all. It's our last stand, our final stretch, our only chance left, our ... i ran out of synonyms. Okay never mind. Hope we won't get depressed or overconfident by whatever happens tomorrow.

Good luck everyone!


icyveins | 3:43 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Photos and stuff. :P
Ooh now i can post! ^.^!
Anyway, this is an OFFICIAL call out for those of you who have any pictures of HCBowling Team 07/08 stored in some random corner of your harddrive.
Could you send them to me?
I'm collating the pictures for your easy, pleasant viewing pleasure.
So if you guys could just drop me an email, it'll be much appreciated.
For those people that have already done so, much obliged. <3!

Also, GOGOGO for those people bowling for NATIONALS.

J2s: I told this to wilson/minmin/gary last year, so i wanna say it again.
"It's your final year bowling for HCI. Have fun, and make it one that you will remember for the years to come. That's what is important. It doesnt matter whether you will bowl a >200, or <100. As long as you give it your all, it wont matter, because you did the best that you can at the present situation."
Yup its kinda like what i told them on the last day after wilson and gary were heavily demoralised. They came back to end off the day with relatively high scores.
So i thought it might help you guys this time on. :)

J1s: Ok this is my first time but i will TRY to make it motivational/inspirational.
"To almost all of you, it will be your very first time participating in a National Tenpin Bowling Competition. Do not fret/worry over-anxiously. Its actually quite an interesting experience. Support one another through the good and bad time (a chinese phrase is supposed to come in now...), for that's what a team is for. Do not give up, even if the lanes seem to be anti-HCI. Sooner or later, it will HAVE to crumble under the might of HCBowling 07/08. The most important thing for you guys is to have fun! Hold your heads up high, even if you dont do as well as the other team beside you, for you are already winners. (OK this sounds corny, but hey just take it in!) There's always next year."
You guys have progressed much from the days of January to now. Be proud of that. :)

Hmm i seem to be very long-winded today...
Must have been the cam-whoring during training. XD
To end off...Haha.
"You are never really playing an opponent. You are playing yourself, your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real joy."-- Arthur Ashe

Good Luck, and High Game. :)

PS i actually wanted to post this on sun. But i got lazy...>.<

16drielz | 10:11 PM

Chalet and JtS
Sorry for the double post, but it's about time we started thinking about our JtS and chalet stay. Amidst the entropy(zomg chem) of nationals, I hope you guys can start thinking about which of the following you would prefer. Kudos to Qing Yang for obtaining this information.

The seniors have requested Sentosa, so these are some possible venues.

Costa Sand Resort
Available for the whole of June (information is not necessarily up-to-date)

3D/2N Stay + 2 *Song of the Sea Tickets
Member: $292 Nett
Non-member: $352 Nett

Siloso Beach Resort Roof Garden Suite

S$380.00++ per night

Rasa Sentosa Resort Deluxe Suite

S$240+++ to S$1,800+++ per room per night (subject to prevailing taxes)

It would be great if you would all consider your budget carefully and try to decide as soon as possible which you would prefer. More details will be posted later on as to how nice these respective chalets are. So keep these in mind; we'll need to make reservations early if we want dates that suit us. =)


icyveins | 8:50 PM

Hello everyone,
In response to GG's concerns over this Saturday's training, I've made a poll below the tagboard for you guys to vote. Spread the information to as many people as possible.


icyveins | 8:22 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
:X bloody hell i typed a post and its now gone cos my damn comp restarted on its own..
Anw have some issues, please read through thoroughly : *IMPORTANT*

1. Shermaine told me that she felt it would be too taxing if you all were going to train on Saturday (this Sat). What do you guys think? Personally i feel it is okay. But if any of you think that you would want to rest this Saturday, i leave it up to you guys. If majority wants to train, i would not cancel training. So tell me asap because ive got to feedback to uncle francis. Comment on this. If theres no comments, i would treat it as you all want to train and there would be training this Saturday, same time, same place.

2. Competition week.
i) For those who are not bowling or not bowling on certain days, you all are excused and welcomed (preferred actually, haha) to come down and support the team. The whole team is excused from lessons but if you feel that you have a freaking important lesson on the day you are not bowling and think that if you miss that lesson you will end up failing blocks, then stay for your lesson. If not, all are required to come down and support, haha im serious. And by 'support', i mean by cheering and encouraging your fellow teammates who are bowling (regardless of its the girls/guys) :D So we shall have our cheer-ics:

OUR CHEER-ICS SHALL BE 1. JOSHUA TAN (overall ic) 2. POH DINGCHUN (for girls) 3. TIFFANY TAN (for guys) [will be fixed if theres no other nominations]
so please nominate.

Ms Tay advised : Those who are excused at supposed to be at comp venue, anyone found anywhere else is not her responsibility. Also, if one doesnt have comp, she advises that we should minimise absence from class else there is too much to catch up.

ii) Also, Ms Tay felt that we should cater lunch on days that we have to stay there for the whole day (Team event - 28, 29 Apr) I dont know what kind of food but Ms Tay is working on it. Need your comments. Tell me if you think we should/shouldnt.

iii) Bowlers, do you all need any snacks/drinks/chocolates/sweets/energy booster or whatever during comp or is the love from your teammates enough? (because i know supporters will end up finishing the food first..)

iv) For afternoon comps, you are allowed to leave class at 1030am for afternoon sessions, bus comes at 11.10am and will leave shortly after so dont be late/take your own sweet time. Because our time is rather tight, we've got to check in at least by 12pm.

For morning comps, there is no transport provided from school to OCC. So you will have to find your way there yourself in the morning. Please be there by 7.22am, dont be late or there would be severe consequences. Like, being disqualified and everything. And we dont want such trouble/unlucky things to happen, so dont be late. If you have lessons after 1230pm, you have to come back to school for lessons, sadly. So dont pon..

Meeting times : [Very important: DONT BE LATE.]
Morning (at OCC) - 7.22am
Afternoon (outside Audi) - 11am

Attire :
Monday (21/4) guys - Red
Tuesday (22/4) girls - Red
Wednesday (23/4) guys - Black
Thursday (24/4) girls - Black
Monday (28/4) guys/girls - Black
Tuesday (29/4) guys/girls - Red (hong2 yun4 dang1 tou2)

Guys - Blue/Black pants (please go settle)
Girls - White shorts/ skirt
*Supporters can wear uniform.

Trainings during competition week cancelled, including Saturdays.

Will update if theres further changes.
All the best for the last few trainings before nats! :D Any problems, you can come look for me.

ggfoodie | 6:57 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Competition schedule.

See below for the competition schedule. Jia you!!! (Those who still haven't gotten the hardcopy can get it from me!)


yantian | 11:41 PM

Juz for Laughs Gags
To make this blog more "lively", i shall reveal some dark secrets lol (or rather it is quite an open secret). Check this out! Someone specially did it lol. HAHAHA!

PS: Juz joking...dun take it to heart =)

poohbearx | 8:27 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
MSN Nicks
As a result of an intense discussion today, Ding Chun, Joshua, Qing Yang and I have settled on an absolutely inconspicuous name to put on our MSN nicks. The line is:

"`hcbowl; grab life by the balls".

You guys have probably seen the waterpolo team messages as well as the MAD logo. Why not us? Go on, paste it at the start of your nick. We'll all be together in the messenger list!

On another note, I created a photobucket account for the pictures to facilitate your uploads. The account name is 'hcbowl' and the password is 's**andf******'. No prizes if you guessed our coaches' names. Sorry I needed something common XP.


icyveins | 10:09 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Photography Request
Hello all,

I'm sure that we have amassed a good collection of photos due to repeated camwhoring, numerous noreen-blocked shots, the first friendlies, the second friendlies, the barbecue, and anything in between. So... Post them here. Yes.


icyveins | 6:22 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
yay hcbowling rocks!

we're 10 days away from nationals!
jiayou everybody (:

p.s. thanks gabb for creating this blog! keep it going yea

chongchen | 11:28 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hwa Chong Bowling!
Yo ppl,
this is the group photo we took the other day at OCC after the friendlies. I will be uploading more photos soon. Juz these for now. Enjoy!


poohbearx | 11:09 PM

Hello all.
Hi everyone!

Your friendly bowler here has set up a blog for the coolest cca in our school. Uh huh.

It's a bit shabby; I'm not that great at design, so if you guys think you can do a better job touching up here and there, be my guest. =)

Anyway, I'll be adding all your msn emails so you guys can post. That is, assuming you guys signed up at with your msn emails, and not some other random email address. If that is so (and it better not be so), then you can tell me on msn or type your blogger account address on the tagboard.

Let's kick ass at a'divs.


icyveins | 10:52 PM