Monday, May 26, 2008
Lastest Team Allocations
Please read the old post to see the updated versions of the team allocations. :)

P.S. This is good news for everybody!

Happy Mugging!

16drielz | 10:29 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
visit to weimin's house.

weimin wants to ask who want to go his house to play on 31th May 2008! currently the people who might be going are chongchen, benchan, yinghao, and me... the more the merrier! i think they will be going to play LAN and weimin will be cooking dinner for us!! opportunity not to be missed :P

those who wanna go say so on the tag board k! i think it'll be quite fun. :)

yantian | 9:27 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Chalet Matters
Yo Seniors!

In order for us J1s to plan a fun, wonderful and exciting chalet for all of you, we will be collecting a nett fee of S$20/- only from each of you =) You can pay the money to qing yang or myself(xian) when you see us in school. Thank you!

See you around!

Organizing committee of HC Bowling Chalet 2008

poohbearx | 12:30 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Exco Elections
Just to reiterate what our ex-captain has mentioned in the post below.

For those who wish to run for Bowling Exco positions, please send me an email (, stating your name and the positions you want to try for. Please note that you have to choose a minimum of 2 posts. In other words, you can run for Captains and Secretary or Secretary and Treasurer, etc.

The positions available are:
3 Captains (which includes Overall Captain, Girls vice-captain and Boys vice-captain)
1 Secretary
1 Treasurer
1 Quarter Master (Activities I/C)

* Running for captains will be done in the manner that the one with the most votes will be the Overall Captain, and the next most will Vice-captains.
*Voting will be equal weightage for seniors and juniors.
*Please inform me if you have any special requests (For e.g. you only wish to be a Vice-captain even though you ran for Captains)

Please do so by Wed, 28 May 2008, 11.59pm.

Thank you for your kind attention. Please help to spread the message around. :)

yantian | 11:39 PM

Friendly Team Allocations
Hey yo! :)
In case you were still wondering about the Friendly...
A quick update on the team allocations.

Foreword: This is almost the final list. Unless you have some REALLY SERIOUS PROBLEM bowling with one of ur assigned teammates, try not to change it. The teamings had gone through INTENSE scrutinity, and were debated/discussed numerous times by the seniors, with team chemistry, experience and skill considered in ALL aspects.
(PS if u dont know what it meant, its saying that the teams are believed to be the best pairing available to each individual, and that this friendly is just an experience, so if you bowled for Nationals, you might have been swaped with someone who has not.)

Team 1: Qing Yang, Bryan Ong, Donald, Chong Chen
Team 2: Ben Chan, Ying Hao, Jansen, Adriel
Team 3: Ding Chun, Joshua, Felix, Rui yi
Team 4: Gabriel, Rui Xian, Brian Choo, Chuan Khim

Team 1: Gwen Chow, Noreen, Sophia, Charis
Team 2: Sufen, Tiffany, Bernice, Yan Tian

H.C.B. Cheering Squad: Gwen Goh, Shermaine
Overseas: Guo Jun

Note to all supporters: Please bring your pom poms, noise makers, banners, boards, whistles, etc etc.

That's all for tonight, and i hope to bring you good news next time. :)


PS this is not confirmed, but WeiMin has expressed interest in joining the friendly. He MIGHT be sent in to fill in the numbers, ie act as the third member of Cheering Squad!
PSSS This post is a long one too...
PSSSS Elections will be fun. XD

16drielz | 10:23 PM

For Elections/passing down during the chalet:
Day1: We'll be doing elections/voting in evening on 9th June (after check-in) then interview for various positions at night, after dinner till late.
Day2:We will discuss and settle everything while u have your funky activities. We will reveal results either by evening/night and passing down dinner/JTS.

Posts will be the same as our batch:
1 Overall Captain
2 Vice Captains -1 guy/1 girl
1 Treasurer
1 Secretary
1 Quarter Master (Activity Ic)

Remember to sms/email yantian the posts you wish to run for preferably soon. Our Ex-sec to be needs to collate some stuff.
Voting will be equal, meaning snr/jnr weightage is the same even though what you all feel would be the most important since you guys have to live with your exco for the next year.
The responsibilities for each role is as important so dont think even if (for eg.) you are the Quarter Master you are the noobest cos its not. There are like major events and teambondings and stuff for you to plan.

See you guys then!

ggfoodie | 6:05 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Latest update on Bowling Friendly

Lol i decided to use a big font to grab attention first...:) Smart right?
This is what has come out tentatively of random discussions and conversations and TONS of sms...Bleh...>.<"

Bowling Friendly with SRJC
Venue: Hougang Bowl/OCC (the one which is cheaper, which is the former according to SRJC's captain.)
Time: 13th June 2008, ~1pm
3 Games, in Quartets format.
Possibility of a mock Masters after the games (which is pretty much the top 2 bowlers frm each sch being selected to bowl)
Prizes: Nothing (Unless someone is willing to sponsor or can suggest cheap alternatives to Trophies/Medals)
Other Schools: To be confirmed ASAP. :)
Team Allocations: ________

Hmm ok this is basically it. Haha if u have any questions/suggestions to improve it, can contact me. SMS or EMAIL plz coz i have extremely bad Short Term Memory Loss.
As for the teamings, i was wondering if we should just follow the Nationals teamings, or just create our own teams from scratch?
Btw please inform me if you are NOT going to bowl, except for GJ. Coz i told the SRJC capt that we sending in 4guys, 2girls. which is 16guys and 8girls (ie the WHOLE team). If we missing ppl i dk how we can send in the team...

Well this is pretty much it. Not sure if i've missed anything, but haha if i did, i will add in... ^.^

Oh Ding, i have a couple of questions...
1) Why did u have to sneakily take a picture of me? I couldnt be cute... >.<
2) We can have like beach games in sentosa haha. OR just a random team excursion around the island. OR we can go to a hotel there and have dinner? XDXDXD
3) Can i join the Ding Brothers? WHATEVER THAT IS!!! XD

Your chao-slack-bowling-senior-compared-to-ppl-like-CC-and-GG-and-YH-and-YT-and-SW-and-BC-and-JT-and-DK,
LAM! :)

PS i like this quote:
You are never really playing an opponent. You are playing yourself, your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real joy. -Ashe :)

NB i wanted to post a pic here. but tt wld just defeat the purpose of IT. so :) cheers!
NBB if u noticed i used the 4 fac colours...ONE HWACHONG! hahaz.
PSSS hmm i realised this post is actually quite long...O.O

16drielz | 11:23 PM

zomg Latest post ^^ Amazing Huh!
Hi guys! Seeing how this blog is quite dead, guess ill just start off by random posting!
Okay. So, hmm. uh.

Chalet organizing team details have more or less been confirmed. Anyone still unaware of your commitees can contact...anyone else (: and yea C1s lets do our best and make it a chalet to remember! both for our seniors and us. Oh and the imba activities comm would like to request for suggestions from anyone of you as to what kind of activities you want to have during the 3D2N chalet. Kindly give specific events that you would like carried out! We can then plan stuff that you actually want to do. Amazing Huh!

Also, I was kind of thinking of having bowling sessions this week. and the next. and the following. sounds alot but trust me it isnt. bowling>blocks. considering we dont have trainings these few weeks too. so if anyone else is interested can contact me, josh or qing. i assume they will be in this with me cause we like it ^^. reply asap k? then we can plan sessions when most of you can make it. Amazing Huh!

OK now. specially selected pictures that are of real good quality and meaning (:

Spying. Apparently our cameraman got caught by Adriel.

woah. what better way to end the post. DC donuts (: never really tried them. but how bad can it get? DC leh

In conclusion, (:, haha my first blog post ever! erm Ding Brothers™ are still recruiting if you're wondering! contact me k! Amazing Huh!

Good luck and high game.

delphius` | 10:07 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
friendly with srjc
[on behalf of adriel]
hi guys! anyone interested in having a friendly match with srjc on 13th june? please reply on the tagboard or tell adriel directly. need your replies quick cos have to confirm with the srjc captain soon! thank you(:

chongchen | 1:35 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
cool bowling stunts!
haha i attempted to take all the guys bowling... but didn't manage to take donald (sry!). also sorry ar gals i couldn't take coz i was bowling as well.

(photos arearranged based on teams!!)

team 1~~~




team 2~~~

chan qi yu!




team 3~~~

ruixian! (i think this is my best shot haha)


AND donald! i'm sorry... i guess the prince photo is good enough la hor! :D

yantian | 10:44 PM

memories during A divisions
this will irrefutably be the BEST A divisions in my life! haha the people, the strikes, the emotions, will never be forgotten. here are some photos, enjoy!
tiffany taking photos for the gals!

gaying around during comps ar cc and dc... tsktsk.

team 2~ all smiles.

pretty boy and responsible treasurer :)

team 2~ discussing tactics.. shh..

yayy! after 3rd day comps!

trying to finish off the leftover food...

team score board!

team 3~ (PS: look at ruixian's face =P )

donald the "prince" with 4 princesses! :DDD

scared of the camera?!?!

warming up!!!

"hey, later should we give face ar?"

pre-game prep talk.

yantian | 10:16 PM

exco selection
hi guys! as some of you may already know, the exco interview/selection will take place during the chalet. probably on the first day afternoon, and will take up 3 to 4 hours. i'm afraid those in the organising comm may have to make adjustments to the programmes. but in the meantime, do think about whether you want to run for exco and if so what post you're going for. i assure you that all the posts are equally important and demanding. if you have any queries as to what roles does each member of the exco hold, feel free to approach any of your seniors.

yup thats about it. sorry if i made this post sound too serious..
study hard and take care peeps!

chongchen | 5:45 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
this is with regards to the chalet and jts in june! it is in less than a month! therefore we need to start discussing! is it okays if the j1s stay back after wednesday training for a "short but important" meeting. we need to discuss committees so that we can start doing work! hehes! we dun want to disappoint our seniors right!

and ATTENTION TO ONE AND ALL! cause we need to do planning for activities and decide how much food to order or blah blah! we thus need to know your attendance! please kindly sms the following details to either Tiffany or Gwen [Chow] by latest wednesday 0000 hours!

1. which days will you be coming for the chalet!
2. Are you staying for the full day? If no, please message the timing that you will be coming! so that we can prepare food for you!
3. which days you are staying overnight!
4. any other possible information that might be necessary! [e.g. you dont eat spicy stuff]

Those who are currently not coming and have informed us are:
bernice, chuankhim, adriel and bryan ong.

<333! the videos are realllllly funni wors!

gwen | 10:18 PM

more random stuff

thanks for all the tags! miss you all loads <33

chongchen | 1:30 PM

Since de blog has been inactive for a few days.. i shall post some random fotos that was taken during competition period(:

this is supposedly related to ding chun.

the left one is sophia. right one is tiffany [in case u were wondering!]

i take u u take me foto.

gwen | 12:37 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
updates on chalet!
yay! firstly! thank you cc for the pretty blog we now have! lols! looks more vibrant now! secondly! thank you tiff for the many many photographs!

yay! the chalet is BOOKED! from the 9th - 11th of JUNE! at costa sands sentosa! oh thank you qy for booking the chalet! yupps!

okays. actually i am just trying to spend time here so that i do not need to do tutorials! see you guys at training tomorrow! (:

gwen | 11:39 PM

Hwa Chong Bowling Blog 2.0
I am undoubtedly sure that everyone is going "zomgwtfhaxxorimba nice" at the new blog design, so let's put our hands together for Chong Chen, who ardently spent around 10800 seconds of his especially precious time to carefully arrange multiple photos in an obviously creative way. Not to mention the overall layout of the blog has improved tremendously.

*clap clap clap*

I'm looking forward to training tomorrow.

icyveins | 9:34 PM

3months-OLDDDD photos!
hello there!
here are the reallyyy old photos i've taken in feb O.O
from trainings & dinners!doesnt rly feature much people 'cause
back then...CAMWHORING!!!XD (by certain people!)

happy viewing! ((:



lastly, the best camwhorer...









S7301094.JPG haha.cute one there!XD

random dinner photos!





S7301088.JPG note how small gwenchowder's face is!

S7301106.JPG haha.someone's so excited!

S7301112.JPG the nth attempt! ('cause adriel scam us by snapping shots everytime while saying "5,4,3,2,1..." =.=) as usual!XD






S7301104.JPG i love this photo!damn nice!((:

ny skirt!<3





S7301046.JPG omg.houseballs! STRAIGHTERS WHOOSH!




S7301047.JPG COSMIC BOWLLLL WITH OMG MUSIC!!!!!!!XD haha.damn fun, distracting n crazyyyy!

S7301051.JPG lol! by now, i know this's gabriel! haha.what a graceful ending pose to end off this picspam!((:

yep! thats all!!!
I MISS U GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
boo.missing tmr's trng thanks to tekong =.=
anw, hav fun tmr!((:
haha.btw, I LOVE THE NEW BLOGSKIN!!!who made it?


tiffany! | 8:15 PM