Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Blocks are teh secks.
Yes! It's 1 more day left! For PCME people that is. 2 for those arts and bio people. And with much uncertainty over our results, I say we have training this Saturday! Because obviously, whether you're getting Us or inverted Us with dashes in them, bowling is the best way to celebrate/destress. Hence I am here pressuring our captain and vice captains to make sure there's training this Saturday. WHO'S WITH MEEEEEEEEE.

icyveins | 5:44 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
bowling montage

chongchen | 4:13 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

hey guys

just want to share with you all a very inspirational video i came across. some of you may have already seen it but for those who havent, here goes.

life presents us with many situations but all you got to keep is faith and determination and nothing seems impossible.
(haha this may sound too cliche and not as good as adriel's quote but i tried okay =D)


PS. read and reply to tiff's post below this post!

chongchen | 12:56 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008
mugging session!
update 2! (latest update in PINK)
frm the results, here it is!((:

Date: Saturday 21June2008
Place: starbucks@ tanglin mall! (thanks chowder!XD)
Time: 12nn!
bowler muggers: CC, gwenc, dc, sophia (afternoon),me (tentative!),donald,yantian?joshua(tentative),charis(tentative) yourexmotherlycaptain?(donald help inform!thanks!)

yep!more or less finalised le!((: lets look forward to a muggish mugging session!XDD
tag if u're coming!

before i fall asleep O.O

yep.after this, we gotta decide on a time&place.most probably it'll start in e morning?haha.any suggestions?tagggg!

p.s. really sorry if u can revote :/ i think it's 1vote a day...'cause i didnt set to "restrict voting" mode (1 vote per IP add)

tiffany! | 12:57 AM

hello! its me again.
anybody in favour of uhhh bowling mugging session like maybe on wednesday? J1s and J2s included! then we can like go for lunch/dinner hahaha team-bonding. =D maybe the quartermother can organise HAHA. okay actually i'm just v sick of studying at home. replies okay? thank you!

chongchen | 12:13 AM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
first and last-
eh people stop posting emo posts or i'll cry-

sounds like a very late (or too late) time to be posting my first post on this blog but better late than never-

hahaa ok to get serious. i know this has been repeated over and over but WE'RE REALLY SORRY for making all the juniors share one room. when we heard you guys do things like mugging/playing mahjong to skip sleep and see things like ruixian sleeping on the chair of the daytona machine, we really felt quite paisehh. on top of that THANKS LOADS to all juniors for the bib, the bear, the report card and the laminated montage. don't know what we did to deserve such good juniors but THANKS THANKS THANKS nonetheless j1s.

to the j2s-
i know i've said this on my blog but i'll repeat this anytime-
gwenma, yinghao and mum: thanks for being great great great capt. and vice-capts. i noe i niao and make fun of you all alot but really really, you all were the best. really. i said this to donald last night, but i guess i would post it here - you guys made us 心服口服 that you are the deserved captain.
chongchen: thanks for being a professional loan shark, the most patient one i can find, one who doesn't splash paint on your door even if you are late in paying training fees. and for being there when i wana talk =D
i'll never forget the nightwalk last chalet when yinghao, you and me talked about everything under the sky.
adriel: thanks for being the big cuddly teammate whom i can hug whenever i need one. thanks for the note during a'divs. really touched me. been great being in the same team as you (and being as loud as you) during a'divs. i'll never forget the experience. don't look so angry when you miss spares ok, angry bears don't look friendly =)
donald: look i put your name in pink! am i nice or what =) ohkayy thanks for that you've done, even though not in the exco, for sourcing for printing companies for club tee, for sourcing for team pants and stuff. alot of things to say but just nothing comes to my mind now, but thanks for everything, stay pretty always yeah :P
jansen: your name's in red to remind you of your powerkoil =D thanks loads for always bowling with me during training, for all the fun we had, and just being cute and funny. had a really great time bowling & fooling around with you. although we didn't have the chance to be doubles partner during a'divs, still thanks for everything and all the smiles you've brought to the team.
yantian: hahaa sleepyhead. thanks for being my travelling partner, taking bus and mrt with me to & from training every week. thanks for making me a more patient person with the waiting at the bus stop (i'm not niao-ing) and for all the fun (and funny) moments you've brought throughout the past year and just tolerating when my tempers flare.

ohkayy ohkayy i know i'm being irritating with this super long post, but i just wanna type this again-

anywayy yeahh j2s we really should have an outing or something at the end of the year. eh your-ex-friendlycaptain, you can be seniors' welfare rep and organise one muahahaa =D

ben chan- | 10:16 PM

I know its a bit of an odd timing to post but since i kinda drank starbucks at 10+pm and feel rather awake now, i guess i shouldnt waste my time trying to sleep but do something productive and meaningful here.

Since like EVERYONE posted ultra emo and touching posts since chalet ended. I shall put my final words as an EX-YOURFRIENDLYCAPTAIN here too :D

Yeah Thank You Juniors. We as seniors felt kinda bad during the chalet bec. we thought we were treating you guys quite badly (esp squeezing so many of u in one small room) and in contrast, you all were treating us damn nicely. So..we are sorry! But we are freaking touched by what you did for us. Luckily you all didnt play adriel's emo montage or i would have cried or something. Sorry to those whom WE made you guys strip (Ruiyi, Gab, Dingc) during the interview. Well we needed some entertainment hahahaha, it was definitely not my horny tendencies. hahahahah. Thanks all the various comms who prepared food, games, prez and the whole thing for us, even though we didnt really eat much of the food bought and played much of the games organised. But seeing the effort you've put into all those really touched me. When i saw the paper that you all printed with activites (intructions for games) and all the planning details, i was truly surprised and honoured that you guys put in so much effort into this chalet. So a Big Thank You!

Hello my dear senior team, i hope ive been a good captain to you guys for 1+ almost 2 years. I hope i didnt let you guys down in anyway. Well, sorry for my inefficiencies, my irresponsibilities and my insensitiveness in any way or another. You guys been really tight which makes a lot of things easier. Like getting you all to train and stuff, so thank you for that. As cliche as it may sound, Im really quite glad to have you guys team cos it seems like a family, nice and warm. Thanks for all the suanings, the disregard for whether im male or female, the stupid faces you guys make while trying to imitate me, the freaking funny comments of people and all the wondeful moments ive had with you guys during trngs/in school/chalet/outings (though seldom). I hope we still stay together even though we are like EX-hcbowlers alr. :(:(:(:(

To everyone, dont give up bowling! :D How horrible it may be, it will not be as horrible as when you decide to give up. So continue fighting on. I hope ive been a good (well uh, passable one which makes u guys satisfied) captain and hope that ive done my job as a captain.

So officially :
Exco of 2008/2009
Overall Captain: Felix Lee
Vice cap Boys: Poh Ding Chun
Vice cap Girls: Noreen Yong
Treasurer: Lim Ruixian
Secretary: Gwen Chow
Quartermother: Tiffany Tan


ggfoodie | 3:59 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Random (LONG) Post >.<
Heh i got kinda bored replying my smses. So i shall BLOG :)
Got a couple of things to talk about, so sorry for taking too much time.

1) Chalet/JTS
One word: FANTASTIC! Haha it was a true chalet in its primal definition: Fun, Exciting, Interesting, and NO SLEEPING!(42Hours WOOTS!)

Haha u may be tired of this, but i have to say it again.


Thank you for booking the rooms. Thank you for bringing along games and mahjong! Thank you for the entertaining EXCO interviews(although we may have to thank gwen goh for that too XD)! Thank you for being such a sport and actually digging for the bottles rather than just stand there for yours to be found. Thank you for organising the HouseBall competition(even though i didnt win, at least i could WEAR the shoes! XD)! Thank you for the gifts( THEY WERE WONDERFUL!) Thank you for JTS (even though it was fattening. >.<). And finally, THANK YOU for simply being yourselves!

And i think WE should apologise for having one room to the 7 of us, while leaving the other room to the 15 of you. Haha we were selfish, and we apologise. :(

Seniors: It has a FANTASTIC 1year,6months with you guys, from the days we went to KATONG to bowl, to our new home in Yishun. From our first training, where i was the only LOSER guy bowling with 3 girls, we eventually became not 9 bowlers, but ONE team. Our random (but few) outings, funny conversation topics during trainings, and our simple yet elegant camaraderie made me feel more at home than council. AT TIMES. *looks arnd for any 34th* I'll really miss you guys/gals. WE SHOULD MEET ONCE A MONTH TO JUST TALK KOK AND ENJOY ONE ANOTHER'S COMPANY! XD (Looks at OURFRIENDLYCAPTAIN)

HCBowling 07/08 WHOOSH!

2) HC-SR Friendly Report
13th June. Friday.

Supposedly the unluckiest day of any month, we stepped into Hougang Bowl with tons of trepidation, knowing that we were very rusty having not bowled competitively since Nationals. It was with this worry in our heads and the swarms of butterflies in our stomach that we quickly opened up lanes to get some final, last minute practices, while at the same time waiting for the latecomers. (Namely Joshua and BENJAMIN QUEK!) The inevitable was to come, and it was with immense hesitation that we set-up and stepped forward for our approaches.

Our initial fears came true as we each and all succumbed to missed shots, bad timings and releases, and the loud shouts from Lane 5. Yet all was not lost, as we quickly adapted and started to get back some, if not all, of our old rhythm. The games were exhilarating, with strikes, misses, spares, and cries of agony a common fixture in every lane. The Loud Trio, namely Ying Hao, Ben Chan and Adriel, started to re-enter their zen-like state of shouting whenever they see a strike/spare. Soon the times flew by and before we knew it, we had all bowled 3 games. Once they ended, the participants quickly crammed around the SRJC table, anxiously awaiting the results of the first round, while the HCI idiots started cam-whoring, led by THE A*-grade camwhore Adriel.

Minutes later, the results were released. HCI Boys Team2 and SRJC Girls Team1 were officially crowned Champion teams in their respective categories, and the top 10 performing individuals were selected to compete in the final block of 2 games to determine the individual champions. (Interesting to note, is that both teams came from the same pair of lanes.)

At 4pm, the next block of games commenced, with loud strikes and accurate spares a delight for the legions of spectators in the back. The girls were busy fighting off competition on ajoining lanes, while the boys had to fend off opponents across 4 lanes.

With each passing frame, we came closer to determining which person would go home with their head held high. The first game ended with N123 - J119, A193 - C175. As the next game started, fantastic shots from Joanna and Christopher gave their competitors some early scares, with them gaining the lead for a period of time. Before we knew it, it boiled down to the top 2 girls and boys bowlers to fight for the top spot: Noreen and Joanna, and Adriel and Christopher. An anxious finishing followed, with every bowler knowing that one mistake would cost them the lead. However, Noreen and Adriel held their nerve to consistently apply pressure, and eventually they triumphed, ending the game N148 - J137, A202 - C207. With that, the "Masters" ended with HCBowlers clinching the top prizes.

Team Result:
Boys Team Champions: HCI Boys Team 2, consisting of Ying Hao, Ben Chan, Jansen, Adriel
Girls Team Champions: SRJC Team 5(Girls), consisting of Catherine, Phoebe, Grace and Joanna
PS they bowled on Lanes 5 and 6 respectively.

Individual Results:
Girls: 1. Noreen 2. Joanna 3. Gillian
Boys: 1. Adriel 2. Christopher 3. Markus

PS I apologise for not having any photos, but i dont have one of my own, so i usually attempt to spam them onto other people's cameras. :)
PSS My dream is to be a JOURNALIST! O.O

3) Pictures and Photo Montage
This is ANOTHER call to all those who brought their cameras to the above 2 places/events! Haha once again i'm calling for ALL the random photos that we took.
Gwen Goh, Tiffany, SuFen, Noreen, u can either burn them onto a DVD or i'll pass you my HD after BTs to put in. :)
This is to facilitate my decision whether i should update the photo montage after BTs to include the 2 events.

Regarding the old photo montage, i should have put it into your sharing folder, although it might take like 3 days? Haha if you guys want the photos, either get from gwengoh, ruixian, donald, jansen, or me. But i might be a a** and NOT do it coz i need to MUG big time. >.<

4)The Conclusion to a Long, Ardous Post
Hmm i just thought of writing a report on the chalet/jts. BUT it would take forever, and i dont have the luxury to do that at this juncture of my life. *points to parents*

So i shall end it here with this quote.
"Life is more than just winning, losing, or drawing; it's about the great bonds we make, the fantastic friendships we share, and the excellent times we spend that defines our life."

^.^ Hope you like it. I thought of it just 5mins ago. (Damn i'm good. XD)

Lam, signing out for the last time as a member of HCBowling 07/08.
*cries in his little corner of the world*

16drielz | 8:23 PM

good luck high game
hello everybody!
i just want to thank you all for the times we had.
to the j1s:
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE CHALET!! <3 very well organised! and the accomodation was okay la seriously! so dun need keep saying sorry. thanks for all the gifts, the activities, the surprises.. xin ku ni men le! you guys are the best juniors seniors can ever ask for. and i mean it. congrats to those in the exco! jiayou and work hard okay? for those who didnt, dont be disheartened. lots of opportunities await in future. and i assure you, all of you are equally capable so really, we had a hard time deciding who to what post. so once again, all the best for your future endeavours! and do treasure the times spent with teammates yea :)

to the j2s:
hi guys! the past 1.5 years had been so awesome with you people around! i rmb everything, from trials at pocket bowl, birthday celebs at hougang superbowl, our chalet plus jts last year, board games at settlers, open house and cca orientation, the 'maxi cab', our EOY outing to JEC (though our plans kinda flopped:( ), our team lunches and dinners and our team bonding bbq etc etc. really. i wonder what sch life would have been without you people! thanks for all the encouragement and support too! sorry i cant really put my feelings into words cos i'm not good at expressing. oh and thanks for tolerating my nonsense sometimes hahha. hope we still can meet up! like EOY chalet or sth. jiayou for BT2 and prelims and A LEVELS! love you all <33

yep thats all! see you guys around in school yea. must rmb to say hi. dun run away from me cos i'm not loan shark anymore haha.
hcbowling whooooosh! :)

chongchen | 12:27 PM

HELLOS PPL! (: hope you all had fun at the chalet! okays! now chalet has ended! it is back to reality, whereby reality equates to block test. yes yes. in less than erms. 10 days! we all will be sitting for our blocks! and getting really prettaye grades! lols. anwyay! i have finally received ADRIEL's [yes! muz credit him!] video montage! omg! like it took! 2 days to send! thank you adriel! the montage is really very very nice (: and a little touching! :'). lols! yupps! okays! i just wanted to thank adriel! tts all! hahas! have NO fun mugging! and jiayou for friendlys TODAY [take note of the time!] and of course! tiffany! (: thank you too! hahas! go train our "qi gong"! lolss :D okays! a few fotos! if not this post so boring!

dont we all love giant turtles! this is a really bad shot! cause the turtle was swimming and swimming! zerps!

the siloso thingy! from another angle! hahas! took it during recee trip at senotsa!

our dream chalet! but budgett! sorry for the erms pathetic? accomodation!

this was suppose to be one of the "checkpoints" of our treasure hunt! did u ppl notice it! hahas!!

erps! trip to jurong point to get treasure hunt stuff with 2 _ ppl! hahas! fill in the blank on your own!

okay! time to thank ppl! (:
1. FICs for the wonderful food we have! to think i was drinking coke at 1am! and all de mentos we ate to keep us awake while mugging! the cup noodles! and of course! pizza! like one of my favs!
2. GGICs for the wonderful gifts that you guys prepared for the seniors! really really wonderful artwork and all! (:
3. AICs! zerps! our random meeting! random outing where everyone is late [zerps!] and all the random fun stuff! hahas! like you guys are pretty ppl!
4. everyone who helped out in a way or another! [e.g. jansen who helped us blow the balloons and tie them on the bridge!]

Of course! thank you seniors! for everything this year (: all the efforts you guys have put in! always being there for us! helping us when we are in need! blahhh! (:

okays! im bad at words! hahas i edited this post like thrice. probably cause i really dun feel like mugging. ahs well! (:

gwen | 12:07 AM
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Be prepared for a picture less, words more entry!><

Yayy! The 3D2N sleepless n fun chalet is over!time flies eh!hope u guys hav recharged ur batt n adjusted ur body clock for future mugging&blocks!((: yep.thanks for coming!thanks for the notes (mother goh,yannytianny,cc,chowder!)

Thanks for everything, really.

to fellow batchmates,

THANKS for working together n doing ur part!XDD

FIC FTW! (fel,ruiyi,nor,gab,bryong!)

AIC FTW! (gwenc,ding,qing,josh,rx,ck!)

GGIC FTW! (SUFEN,gj,soph,charis,bern,me!)

though some activities werent really carried out due to unforeseen circumstances! kinda wasted…but fret not!mayb we can hav these activities someday at e end of e yr?haha.AICS!dont throw away e treasure hunt phtos,marbles,bowling pinset k! XD if seniors don’t mind, u guys can join us too!((: lastly,pls do ur lastlastlast part by paying up~

to the seniors,

THANKS for coming up w really cool stuffs for interviews,elections & handover!!!XD it was ONE-OF-A-KIND & UNIQUE! The council-like election sheet, SURVIVOR-themed interviews comprising of an island, torches,square,candles till morning, waiting for scary phone calls, sand-digging n all! haha.all these were absolutely memorable! Also, THANKS for sitting through e interviews without falling asleep or sianning away >< THANKS for putting up with e spacious accommodation(sorryyy!:////) THANKS for showing bursts of enthusiasm during e chalet! hope u all enjoyed e food, had fun during houseball comps n loved e gradgifts(gradgift hunting was surprising right!XD)! sorry abt e screwups here n thr :/boo.We all gonna miss you guys during training.haii.along w the lack of shouts...

P.S omg.i love ur msn nicks!haha.u r most welcome!XD whee!euphoria!((: THANK YOU SENIORS! <3>

Uh.enough of words, here r some sentosa photos frm my hp cam ><


shadowplays&pretty silhouttes!((: guess who's who!

GWENCHOWYUNLING!ILU!!!XD thanks for practically everything! lets blow balloons someday!our impromptu 3h prepwk was a success!btw,i want ur fish game!!!><

thats all.more photos to come after a long long time!
Those w phtos, pls upload them onto blog or photobucket!thanks!((:

Haha.hope u guys had those fond memories~! Like watching kungfu panda, cramming into e room, playing cards, camwhoring, beaching (sounds awful><), making mountains out of a molehill, checking out sleeping habits, watching kids central, cupnoodling, witnessing gay moments, crapping&loling, bishibashing, seeseelooklook-ing (if don’t know,ask qing!),sleeping in places e.g. arcade carseats, hard cold wooden planks n exploring sentosa! I’ve learnt quite a lot about some ppl too!XD Ahh.i’ll definitely miss nua-ing around! feel s really good to let loose of urself entirely once in a while without having to worry abt other stuffs!((:

btw CONGRATS to those who got into exco!XD

ALL THE BEST FOR FRIENDLYS! HIGH GAME!((: better pray tt the ball doesn’t bounce off e lane n come rolling down the gutter =.= stay alert ding!XD


jiayou for blocks!

Boo.back to mugging n sleeping ><


tiffany! | 7:57 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Money Claim for Chalet

For those who have paid for stuffs during the chalet, please pass me the receipt(s) by this Fri so that i can collate and finalize the total amount spent. Thanks!


PS: May i know who is using my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

poohbearx | 7:27 PM
Sunday, June 8, 2008

this is VERYYYY impt
on top of ding chun's earlier post!


please read this post! and the one below!


gwen | 9:16 PM
Saturday, June 7, 2008
chalet stuff
hi guys!

got a few chalet stuff to announce. which is on monday 9th june by the way.

we the activities committee have been working REAL hard to plan this chalet and we hope you guys can enjoy it like. alot.

k so a few things to announce:
Meeting time and place: 11am at harbourfront mrt station control panel (purple line - if youre not sure which it is. its not the green or red) make sure u come punctually!
Items to bring: just in case you guys have never been to chalets before.
1) Change of clothes (no-brainer item) dont bring and know
2) basic toiletries (same as item 1)
3) cards and consoles (must-have item) volunteers to bring them thx. replies will be appreciated
4) First-aid kit. To be brought by anyone afraid of sand. ohboy those sure are scary =/
5) Money. monorail tickets will have to be bought to get in or out of sentosa. priced at $3 each, these buggers last only a day and we need to get new ones to leave the island every other day. so we suggest bringing at least $30 -$40 to last the whole duration. including food and drinks etcetc

also, some of you have requested for midnight movies. im afraid vivo doesnt screen movies that late. so unless you want it held somewhere else (suggest thx) or to watch it sometime early in the day. we've got free time so we can watch it then. also, reply thx

oh and theres this banana eating competition we'll carry out during the chalet. we want to know who will be interested. itll be fun. i mean we're talking about bananas how bad can it get? so uh yea, interested victims can reply on the tagboard on the right.

thats all.


delphius` | 11:25 PM
Friday, June 6, 2008

Hey guys (: For those who haven't given their photos to Adriel before ... can you save it in a thumbdrive and bring it on Saturday's training? (if you're going, hopefully!) This is for the *hinthint* gradgift!

Thanks :D :D


Sufen | 1:29 AM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
random shots!
uh...random shots taken during...

-bowling bbq!
eh...taken along e way when we got lost on our way thr ><

and finally after much trekking for dont know how long...we finally reached!((:

aiks.y so sian...

-baking!<333333 by j1 girls!

bowling mannequins customised by bern,soph,me!XDDD
lastly, all the best for blocks!!!
be as bright as this girl!(note the NAME!)

happy mugging!((:

tiffany! | 12:27 AM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Friendly with SRJC
Details are as follows.
Date: 13th June 2008.
Venue: Hougang Bowl
Time: 12.30pm
Please bring along $12 in order to cover the cost of the games and the prizes. (And cameras too. ^.^)

The programme will be as follows.
1st session:
3 games will be played in quartets format. (4 per lane).
The top 3 girls/top 7 guys will be invited to continue playing in the 2nd session.
2nd session:
2 games will be played in doubles format. (2 per lane).

The awarding of prizes will be as follows:
1st session: Top Boys Team.
2nd Session: Top 3 guys/Top Girl

The reason why there is no "Top Girls" team pirize for the 1st session and why there is relatively so little girls prizes is due to the fact that not many girls will be participating in this friendly. (11 to be exact).

In case you may have forgetten, here are the team allocations once again.
Team B1: Felix, Rui Yi, Ding Chun, Joshua
Team B2: Ying Hao, Ben Chan, Jansen, Adriel
Team B3: Qing Yang, Donald, Chong Chen, Bryan Ong
Team B4: Gabriel, Bryan Choo, Rui Xian, Chuan Khim
Team G1: Gwen Chow, Noreen, Sophia, Charis
Team G2: Sufen, Bernice, Yan Tian, XXX

Finally, Good Luck and High Scores!

Yours Faithfully, Lam.

PS I heard the prizes are nice. :) *hints*
PSS I like the new names for the teams. :) x2
PSS Happy Mugging Season! XD
PSSS Just watched finished Gundam Seed Destiny. Haha dam nice. >.<

16drielz | 9:04 PM