Sunday, November 30, 2008

hello people! the exco had a meeting this morning to settle some issues. (: and here are the details.

1. Team Discipline

Most people would have notice the poor attendance rate for training sessions during the holidays. This should not be the happening as it kind of reflects our attitude towards our trainings. Hence, please be reminded that you have to meet the attendance criteria set by the school [think is 75%?]. I will be taking attendance from the next official training [which means next saturday] onwards. you can only be excused from training if you provide us with an mc or parents letter [maximum 3 per semester].

we also take into account that not everyone is able to afford saturday trainings. Hence an alternative method is that you come once every 2 weeks. Please kindly inform me if you would like to take the alternative method as soon as possible!

secondly is punctuality! we havent exactly been very on time for trainings, well only once in a while. it wont be nice if we make the coach wait. therefore in future, we will all be given 15 minutes allowance! those who come any later will have to do 50 swings for every 5 minutes that you are late! and if you are late for more than 5 times, there will be an increase of 20 swings everytime that you are late.

2. December Trainings

as all of you should know, we will not have any more wednesday trainings in decemeber. nevertheless, it is still important that we continue training especially when next year's a division will be rather early in the year [probably march] . hence, there is an optional training sessions on thursday at felix's club from 12 - 2 pm. we will have to pay for the games and felix will help us and we can help each other too! so for those who wants to go down, please inform felix by monday [1 dec] 23.59. It is optional. you can wear your own home clothes when you come down to bowl as well!

saturday trainings will continue as per normal with uncle francis! yupps! (:

oh yea, a training programme will always be drawn up for the team! so that it is erm. more organized?

tentatitve training dates : 4, 11, 18 [optional] and 6, 13, 20, 27

3. Message passing system

Ruiyi will be helping us to pass messages to the whole team in future [he has unlimited sms!].

4. Private Training

some of you may want to take up private training! if you all wanna like find people to take private training with you! you can inform me too. den we will try to arrange for you guys! ideally 4 per group. it will be around 40 per person? yupps! (:

thank you! if you have ani objections or suggestions or clarifications, you can contact any of us (: enjoy your holidays!

gwen | 12:51 AM
Friday, November 28, 2008
teamtee matters!
Hey!today gj,chowder and i had a trip down to queensway in an attempt to confirm the supplier for our teamtee ((:

Unfortunately, we met with some troubling issues so we couldn't go ahead with the printing and stuffs. Thus, before i forgot what are those issues, pls do us a favour and vote respectively =/ terima kasih~

1. Limitations to zip tees. For ALL the premade zip tees, there's always this stripy fashion!
It is noted that the stripes at the side is quite disconcerting with our ZAAA design =/ (refer to bullet 3 for current design). are a few suggested solution, pls vote.

2.Base colour of the tee
If you have other suggestions, tag!

3.Current design!
most of us voted for THIS (see below) *note: there wont be pink dots at the shoulder...

4. Material
just to confirm, vote!

5. Customization (EDITED.just rmbed and added this!)

6. HANDPAINT AKA DIY OUR OWN TEAM TEE! instead of sending it for printing...
Discover that hidden artistic talent of yours!((: yep. if it comes down to this...we'll have to prepare stencils, brushes, good fabric'll be quite a lot of work!so everyone paint your own tee!((: PLS TAG WHETHER U WANT THIS OR NOT!

ohya!don't worry too much about the cost of printing!'cause we'll try to get cheaper rates and SCHOOL SUBSIDY!((: it'll most probably cost below $30 per tee WITHOUT subsidy!

whew.long post =/ okayy.pls read and vote all of the above ASAP!
we gotta have our new teamtees out BEFORE our very own friendlys which is on 7jan09!hopefully by then, we won't have to roleplay kopitiam uncles/aunties!haha.


tiffany! | 6:06 PM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
team tee + upcoming events!

regarding this...
pls vote!XD

I'll try to bring along sample tees to trng for u guys to feel the texture n stuffs!
As for the colour scheme, it'll be school colours - red, white, yellow. This is done to get school subsidy!((: yea.there'll b limited colour combi though.Moreover, we gonna have 2 team tees, be prepared tt the base colour for each will most probably be red/white. Anyone for YELLOW team tee? highlighter yellow?XD oh! in case u're wondering, our designer for the logo is TGJ!

yep.thats it for this!


- bowling outing!
Day&Date: Saturday. 8nov08 (nice date!XD)
Time: 3pm - evenight/night (not sure)
Venue: Vivo
Activities in place: Movie, filler activity, dinner
to those who havent told me whether u're coming, pls confirm attd! come k! thanks!((:

-Taman Jurong Bowling Tournament (Mixed doubles)
found this out from someone!'s up to u! to find out more, click here! (note: pls use IE,not firefox!) also, if u're going, tell me!i can help u pair((:

do turn up for bowling outing!XD


tiffany! | 11:00 PM