Wednesday, April 29, 2009
press on!((:

it's a been a long long time since i've posted...

all the best for Adivs!((:
hmm...all i want to say is...
don't be too affected by ur prev singles!
flunking singles games doesnt mean tt it's e end...thr r still doubles n team events!((:
so...just start afresh n move on! yep.easier said than done...but do try hard to stay optimistic n continue fighting hard for e upcoming events!((: never never never give up!
btw, thanks for cheering!XD

i shall end off w this epic photo of 2008!

look on e bright side of life mann! gabe is one gd eg!XD

nites!sleep early!

P.S jiayou guys!!!i've created a shutterfly acc.will tell u guys e user n pass tmr!



tiffany! | 9:17 PM

Hi all,
It's about time I gave you juniors the ability to post on the blog, so that people like ms. elusive pokemon don't have to resort to middlemen. BUT, first YOU all add ME on msn, then ASK for it because I'm that lazy. And of course, tell me your blogger account so I can make you a co-writer. By the way, yours truly was the one who set this up in the first place so yes, you can't ask anyone else mwaha.

On a sidenote, the juniors' pictures have been compiled by your quartermother already, I just have to find time to work the code and stick it in on the left column.

icyveins | 8:53 PM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hey ppl! Here’s my very first post. Bowling is seriously freaking tiring today. After only four hours of sleep before comps and starvation due to the lack of time to eat a proper lunch, I manage to stand and sleep on the mrt today! Almost fell down on the bus while dozing off. Zzz. Don’t try picturing that. Anyway, well done ppl, you manage to survive these two days. I know it’s discouraging to dao the cheering squad but when you are bowling, it’s really hard to care about all those cheering. however, I still believe that it’s really important to continue to cheer for each other, one way or another, it will help. The cheering squad today was pretty pro too! Maybe you should go oooooooooooooooooooooooooo…pick it up!/it’s ok! When ppl never spare cause the endings are quite lousy! Haha. No offence. Shall cut the crap.


That’s all folks.

P.S. I aint no elusive pokemon. =.=

gwen | 9:56 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
before the big day


have a laugh, then go sleep!

noreen | 10:09 PM


I hope some people see this in time for the start of A divs tomorrow.

The guys and girls will be bowling on 4 days each. So we will be wearing shirts in this order:


unless stated otherwise.

Supporters will wear the school uniform, also, unless stated otherwise.

Ding Chun

delphius` | 9:50 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Team Meeting 230409
Hello. For the benefit of those who werent able to make it for the meeting today, these are the stuff that Mr Ho has gone through :

There will be training on the 29th of April 2009 for the school team at chevrons from 3 to 5 pm. Its the Wednesday right smack in the middle of our A divisions, and transport will be provided just like every other normal school training.

FYI, guys are in squad B and girls are in squad D. I will forward the softcopy of the sacred A division briefing folder to everyone soon. Do look out for that.

If we are bowling in the morning...
Please make your way down on your own.
Competitors be there by 0700. Supporters by 0730. There should be NO late comers. I WILL TRY NOT TO BE LATE MYSELF. And if I can do it, so should you. After the competition, there will be a bus back to school and lessons will resume promptly at 1pm for we are only officially excused from 8am -1pm.

If we are bowling in the afternoon...
We will be excused from 10.30am onwards. Grab a quick bite before gathering with your equipment, or as Mr Ho puts it, "your barang-barang". The bus will come at 11am and we are expected to reach OCC by 11.30am. Please do not be late.

On the 7th of May 2009, food will be catered for us, as we will be bowling in both the morning and afternoon timeslots. No need to worry, we wont starve you.

1. If you are ill, you MUST produce an MC and pass it to MR HO [not your ct].
2. Competitors: you are required to sign after the game. DO check your scores and sign only after you are sure its correct, and that there are no discrepancies.Any changes after that will NOT be entertained.
3. Supporters are to wear Bowling Tees and school skirt/pants. Do sms Mr Ho if you will not be able to make it. Only MCs, parents letters or official reasons will be accepted. You have to seek special permission to be excused for any other reason in the world.
4. STRICTLY no jeans, cargo pants and shorts of any kind will be permitted (for guys).
5. All bowlers in the team will have to be similarly attired. No different coloured pants/shorts allowed.
6. Guys are to wear BLACK PANTS for competition! Make sure you have at LEAST 2 pairs of long black pants/black long pants. You wont want to wear the same pair for 2 consecutive days. Im sure I wont want to be near you if you wear the same pair for 2 consecutive days.
7. LANE ETIQUETTE. DO use your brains when you bowl. People dont like to be interrupted when they are preparing for a shot. You might not feel the same way, but PLEASE think about others. At the very least, show the world that the Hwa Chong Institution College Section Bowling Team knows basic lane etiquette.

Having said all that, a folder will be sent to everyone regarding everything you need to know about the A divs, including the lane pattern. I dont know how accurate it is nor how to read the damn thing, but its in there.

Ding Chun

p.s. this is the 101th post for the blog. Woo!

delphius` | 8:54 PM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm not sure how many people actually still visit this blog, but I'll post anyways.

Team meeting with Mr. Ho on Thursday.
Date: Thursday, 23rd April 2009
Venue: A211
Time: 1600 aka 4pm aka 88 hours to the official start of A divisions.
Please be there at least 5 mins earlier to 'put your hood on' - oops, i meant 'make up on'.

A divisions is/are in 6 days, so I thought I'd put the schedule up here where everyone can see it.

27Apr Monday - Boys 1230-1530
28Apr Tuesday - Girls 1230-1530
29Apr Wednesday - None
30Apr Thursday - Boys 0830-1130
4May Monday - Girls 0830-1130
5May Tuesday - Boys 1230-1530
6May Wednesday - Girls 0830-1130
7May Thursday - Boys 0830-1130 Girls 1230-1530

Girls will be bowling alongside TJC, VJC, SAJC, RJC and ACJC. GOOD LUCK :D
Guys will be bowling alongside MI, MI(girls), DHS, DHS(girls), RVH, RVH(girls) and a pacer team.

Please observe lane etiquette at all times during A divs. DO refer to sufen's previous post on the 10 bowling commandments.

And as im typing this, guojun came online, at 8.54pm. Guojun, by the way, acquired his personal best of a measly 236 today. Given his 1337 skillz, the 236 is a far cry from his true potential of a personal best of, well, 1337.

In any case, GOODJOB GUOJUN! I<3GJ

So, like I was about to say before guojuns online presence disrupted my thoughts, anyone who is unable to attend any of the supporting sessions, PLEASE INFORM ME/NOREEN/CAPTAINFELIX ASAP. You will definitely most probably be possibly excused for an official reason only. Piano test, NAPFA-that-somehow-cannot-be-rearranged, class photo-taking, dota 5v5 -cm draft, etcetc.

Do note that it applies only to cheering sessions. If you are bowling on that day/timeslot, well, common sense. You are not to miss that session for any reason in the world.

324 throws.
18 games.
1 A divisions.
0 excuses.
Hwachong bowling - Bowl to win.

Ding Chun

p.s. no, dota 5v5 -cm draft is NOT a valid reason for skipping cheering sessions.
p.p.s gg i ripped off ebonite for the conclusion :/ failme.

delphius` | 8:42 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Blog
1 year and 5 days ago I created you. Sorry I forgot.

And on a random note, I discovered it's CK's birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday bowler/MAD vice pres (bowler first, of course).

icyveins | 10:12 PM
Friday, April 10, 2009
the 10 bowling commandments
Ten Bowling Codes of Conduct.

1. Be prompt and know your right. Take your turn promptly on the lane and remember that the player to your right has the right of way.

2. Slow and steady, but do not dilly dally. Take your time, but do not pose for too long or wait until everyone is off the approaches.

3. Stick to your own approach. Stay on your own approach at all times.

4. Back off after delivery. Step back off the approach after making each delivery.

5. Use your own ball. Do not use another player's ball without permission.

6. Do not tamper approaches. Do not use chalk, resin or talcum powder to condition approaches. Others may like it the way it is.

7. Everyone concentrates. Good bowling requires concentration. Do not interfere when others bowl, as you would want the same when it is your turn. Confine teases at the bench or locker rooms.

8. Patience with pinsetting. Be ready to bowl only after the pinsetting machine has completed its cycle and the sweepbar is raised.

9. Respect the equipment. Respect the equipment, avoid lofting the ball, as it hurts your game and damages the lane.

10. Be a gracious winner and loser. Play to win, but be a gracious loser if you are on the short end of the count. Cheer up, you can always bowl to win again!

Sufen | 1:08 AM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
hcbowl team 2009!
Congrats everyone who made the team!!! :D I'm sure each of us know the hard work that we've put in, be it bowling our hearts out during trainings trying to get the technique right, hit the line, rev the ball, gain speed etc; or bowling extra during the weekends/other weekdays (cause practice is super important! though it may not make us perfect just yet, but we'll be closer to perfection haha) In the past few months, I really do think our batch has grown closer as a team, having gotten the chance to know each other better and spending good moments together be it bowling or eating lunch/dinner or otherwise! Even though we may not have the capacity to trash everyone to the ground, we can still aim to do our best! Make ourselves (and the school :X) proud! Haha. And hopefully the school will sponsor us more next year!

To the juniors, I, and the other seniors too I'm sure, am proud of the improvement you've made in the last barely 3 to 4 months... you've come a long way, and you guys definitely have potential! So even if you don't make the team this year, don't be demoralised! There's still plenty of time to improve further :) In the meantime, support the rest of us, and take the chance during A divs to watch people bowling so you can learn their style/technique/coolness and hopefully emulate them in time!

Happy bowling, all :)


Sufen | 10:48 PM
Saturday, April 4, 2009
thanks juniors!
haha went to visit you all during training last wed hope i didn't bother you all too much! :) some photos for you all!

jia you for comps everyone! :D
love, yan tian

yantian | 12:30 AM