Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bowling Chalet
Mas selamat has found its way out of singapore, on the other hand, Influenza A has found its way into singapore!

If matter complicates, we will postpone the chalet to a later date for the isolation centre for influenza A is just next door: aloha loyang resort.

Please stay tune... in the mean time, seniors: please each pay twenty bucks to any of the juniors.

stay tuned.

ahyanah | 5:12 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
More chalet matters!
Hello dear seniors! We'll need to collect $20 from each of you for the chalet by the end of this week (hope it's okay with all of you)!

Just pass the money to ANY J1 you see around school, by Friday, thanks!

Sok Khoong | 10:54 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Chalet details confirmed!
Yep, title says it all. So,

15th - 17th June 2009 (Mon-Wed)
Costa Sands Resort (Pasir Ris)

2 Duplex rooms (2 floors each)

Looking forward to chalet! :D

Sok Khoong | 2:36 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Physics SPA
So I was bored attempting to study for it tomorrow, and since DC and I have discussed the topic of ball speed for very long, I decided to do some calculations. (COME ON FIZZIKS STUDENTS LAUGH AT THE BIO AND ARTS PEOPLE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND)

Lane Length from Foul line to Head pin (60 feet) = 18.288m
1 kg = 2.2 pounds (roughly)

For example, let's say dc hits the head pin in 2.8s (which he does, or at least around +/- 0.1s) with his 14 pound ball, and he wants to improve by 0.1s to 2.7s instead.

Speed of a 2.7s ball = 18.288/2.7 = 6.7733m/s
Kinetic energy of a 2.7s, 14pound ball (ignoring torque) = 1/2 mv^2 = 1/2 x (14/2.2) x 6.7733^2 = 145.98 J
Assuming DC throws all balls of whatever mass with the same energy,
Speed of a 2.8s ball = 18.288/2.8 = 6.5314m/s
Mass of ball thrown at 2.8s (original speed) with energy of 2.7s, 14pound ball = (145.98x2)/(6.5314^2) = 6.84 kg = 15.056 pounds

So what does this mean? If you want to throw a faster ball, for every 0.1s that you cut from the time your ball takes to reach the headpin, you require the same amount of energy as if you were throwing a ball that is 1 pound heavier at your original slower speed (i.e. Ding Chun needs to be able to throw a 15 pound ball instead of a 14 pound ball at his original speed in order to throw his 14 pound ball 0.1s faster). 0.1s -> 1 pound. So what aloysius was doing for some of us with the 1 pound weights, if we trained long enough with them we would bowl 0.1s faster without them.

P.S. This experiment is riddled with assumptions, but meh whatever.

I goes back to fizziks spa now lol.

icyveins | 8:35 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009

hi all,

please support the 'clock in audi' request by registering on the forum page and cast your vote.

it is beneficial to all. so vote now!

say yes to big digital clock in audi.

ahyanah | 11:39 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Chalet matters
Hello everyone here're chalet details:

15th - 17th June 2009 (Mon-Wed)
Costa Sands Resort (Pasir Ris)

2 Duplex rooms (2 floors each)

It's kind of tentative for now because we're not sure about whether the dates are available.

Yup, hope the arrangement's okay! And remember to keep 15th-17th June free!

Sok Khoong | 9:15 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hey hunks and chipmunks,

To anyone who wishes to run for ANY exco position, please e-mail me in the following format:

"Hi, I am *name* from *class*.

I want to run for..
1) *first choice*
2) *second choice*
..because I think Ding Chun is too damn good to be true Y(^^)Y"

This is just a sample format and any creative, innovative changes CAN BE MADE.
DO think about which positions you want to run for.
BE active and start interacting so we know you are capable of doing a good job.

My e-mail is
E-mail this email with your e-choices ASAP.

All the best.

Ding Chun

delphius` | 10:31 PM

I shall be the 2nd J1 to post here! The rest please hurry and pester Gabriel to add you, hahah. HCBowl ftw!

Sok Khoong | 8:51 PM

for all mums out there. :D

ahyanah | 8:47 PM


chalet or gathering?

View results

Get a free poll

ahyanah | 4:38 PM

Hi, the very first J1 to post here is none other than THE elusive pokemon! wahaha.

anyway, here's the may 2008 archive. collated the two relevant posts.

For those J1s,For Elections/passing down during the chalet:
Day1: We'll be doing elections/voting in evening on 9th June (after check-in) then interview for various positions at night, after dinner till late.
Day2:We will discuss and settle everything while u have your funky activities. We will reveal results either by evening/night and passing down dinner/JTS.

Just to reiterate what our ex-captain has mentioned in the post below.
who wish to run for Bowling Exco positions, please send me an email (, stating your name and the positions you want to try for. Please note that you have to choose a minimum of 2 posts.
In other words, you can run for Captains and Secretary or Secretary and Treasurer, etc.The positions available are:
3 Captains (which includes Overall Captain, Girls vice-captain and Boys vice-captain)
1 Secretary
1 Treasurer
1 Quarter Master (Activities I/C)
* Running for captains will be done in the manner that the one with the most votes will be the Overall Captain, and the next most will Vice-captains.
*Voting will be equal weightage for seniors and juniors.
*Please inform me if you have any special requests (For e.g. you only wish to be a Vice-captain even though you ran for Captains)
Please do so by Wed, 28 May 2008, 11.59pm.
The responsibilities for each role is as important so dont think even if (for eg.) you are the Quarter Master you are the noobest cos its not. There are like major events and teambondings and stuff for you to plan.See you guys then!
Thank you for your kind attention. Please help to spread the message around. :)

oh, seniors: please keep 8 to 10 june free. it will most probably held on these days. are gwen and shermaine coming?

batchmates: happy planning! (i shall make this clear: i may LOOK dao. but i'm not. :D born (thx for correcting) with the look.)

ahyanah | 3:42 PM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
J1s + Tag
Refer to pictures on the left.

Btw, J1s, we want chalet =P You can troll the archives of may 2008 to see how your seniors (i.e. us) prepared everything for your grand seniors.

icyveins | 9:02 PM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Divs are OVERRRRR.
And back to school. Like someone told me, "sianballs".

But hey, great experience for J1s, and J2s, it's been a long time spent running. We might not have achieved anything, but we have gained everything through all this. You guys are the best. I'm sure what Adriel said last year is true again; we all went up there on the lanes knowing we wouldn't win, but we still made every shot count and gave it our all. And so for that, thanks for the memories people.

icyveins | 8:19 PM