Wednesday, June 24, 2009
To all of you
I apologise if it's boring due to few transitions (cause it didn't feel right =x) or my music tastes. Not very good after taking so long I guess. Messages at the end are from me.

icyveins | 2:32 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
<3 hcbowl!
hellos! its my turn to blog! since im sick of mugging and i kinda have to wait till 1am to sleep! rights. im nt good wif words. so here goes nothing. pardon my pathetic language. yupps! so aniwae. the chalet kinda marks the official stepping down of the seniors! but thennn. we are still a member of hcbowl! so dun be sad ppl! (: but its really quite sad bahs! alright. now i dunnoe where to begin.

to the seniors [my darling batchmates!]
we have been together for a year going two. i guess the experience that i have had in hcbowl with you guys is priceless and definitely memorable. and i will probably miss the times we had together. like for example. our weekly trainings [even though sometimes we have no trainings at all]. how we used to go for dinner after training when we were still at yishun with some of our seniors. a divison 08. jts 08. maf 08. eoy chalet 08. orientation 09. a div 09. jts 09. lols. something like tt. maybe i missed out some. i guess perhaps. through this journey. we have known each other better in a way or another. even though we may not know each and everyone of us very well. but definitely better when we first met [when we were still strangers!] yupps. and well. without training, we will probably be meeting each other less and stuff. but i guess. we will still stay as a batch! hahas 18 of us (: yupps. now our focus will definitely be on MUGGING. [you know we can always have mugging sessions together! lols! how we had in chalet like 2 days ago!] lols. all the best for your upcoming papers. and dun get bored of mugging till A levels are over i guess. yupps. i will miss you guys! <33

to the juniors!
hellos all my cute little juniors! hahas okays. tt sounds _. dunnoe wad word to fill in totally. alrights. erms! yar like tiffany. i probably dun realli know each and everyone of you very well. hahas. im more of a "senior" person than a "junior" person. if you understand wad i mean larhs. aniwae! big thank you to all of you guys for the chalet! really did enjoy myself. and probably got a lil high towards the end. sorry that. we [most seniors?] kinda left on the 2nd night. like we didnt stay over! yupps! thanks for the gifts and all! bleaghs! yupps! you guys have another year ahead! so i guess. all i can say is all the best? and do treasure every moment you have with your batchmates! before you know it, it will be over already. hahas. and it will be too late to regret it! jiayou for bowling! train hard under our very fantastic coaches! and yar! do hwachong proud! i guess. you really have to put in alot of extra time and effort to do well. yupps! the seniors will come back and visit! hahas! and we can always have 3gen or even 4gen outing lol [DENDEN!]. yupps. now i want to end my note. but i got nothing to end with. so the end. oh yar. congrats to new exco too! oops!

to all.
hahas! firstly i have to apologise for my very uncreative sms-es. shermaine used to have her sweethearts! but i got like nothing! SO SORRY. so tingting! you better think of something sweet! like dearies darlings dearests blah bleh bloo. yars. and erms. i will miss spamming you guys smses as well! hahas! [nt tt i will be having unlimited sms-es animore]! and yars. apologise for ani thing tt i have done insufficiently. and if i was like emoing during training or anithing larhs. u get the point (: hehes!

yupps. tts about all. will really miss you guys! <33 see you guys around in sch!

gwen | 12:48 AM

HCbowl ❤

we finally stepped down!yay!
hope u guys r happy w ur new exco! be supportive of em esp quarterpapa denden!XD
hmm...hint: EOY chalet or 3gen gathering...after Alvls!

~Dear juniors,
Thanks for organising this june hol chalet! though i would prefer sentosa!!!(we can find scarier interview venues.hehe) yep.thanks for e gradgifts!it's pretty cool! love e photo idea!((: btw, who designed n drew on e shoe?haha.damn zai! Thanks for handling e bbq n serving us food too!I appreciate ur painstaking effort in making all these come true! Although i don't know u guys well enough, through trainings, Adivs and interviews, i'm sure u guys are a great bunch of ppl!((: am looking forward to HCbowl 09-10! snrs might come back to support u guys!hahah.aint it exciting to see botak guys!^^
To those who ran for exco, hope u guys enjoyed e interviews!

~Dear batchmates,
I can't spend too much bloggin put it short n sweetly, YOU GUYS ROCKKK!
Thanks for everything! i love (and gonna miss) those times when we train together, sit down randomly to discuss along the beach before last yr's interviews, squeeze into a pathetic chalet rm last yr, prepare snrs' farewell, spend time under the sun digging for bottles, mug at various places (be it the daytona machine or on the floor), MAF (haha), conductin interviews together, cheering/competing during Adivs...and many more!
Thanks for the memories!!!XD
Now, we're up against BT2 in 10 days! and soon prelims...Alvls!
Happy mugging for BT2!((:

haha.lastly, congratulations to the 09-10 EXCO!
for those who dont know e results, it's as follow:
CAP: Roy
VCAPS: Dewei, Xinyan
Secretary&Treasurer: Cyril & Melvin
Quarter Master: Aden


whoo.1st prize for mel, YOUR LOANSHARK!

QMs of comparable height! (argh.fringe screwed ><) There are many other photos! but it gonna take years to upload thats it! i might facebk e rest of e photos! Here's an awesome video of tt 'nobody nobody but you' song!

back to mugging!

❤ Tiffany

P.S cant wait for e montage and wants a team photo badly...

tiffany! | 12:39 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

hey guys,

aloysius asks: do any of you wish to join the milo world junior all stars, in kuala lumpur from december 9-19 (i think)? if u do wish to join this competition, pls tell me asap by sms or email. thanks alot!


geraldhar | 11:04 PM

Your new admin
Sok Khoong. Tadah.

icyveins | 8:49 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Nobody nobody but you!

To juniors:
Now that the chalet is over (the bbq should be at least), I guess it officially marks the stepping-down of the J2 batch 2008-2009. It has indeed been a great year imo, and Im thankful for great juniors like you guys, and girls. Somehow, I still find it awfully short and we might not have been as bonded as most of us would have liked, but...whatever, I hope we all enjoyed the times we trained hard under aloysius (imagine being literally 'under' him. not fun). In any case, I apologize for not being at the bbq or hand-over ceremony, not exactly the perfect ending I had in mind, but thanks anyway. If you think we have been great seniors - just for tag, gay seniors- then I implore and beseech you all to be equally good seniors to the next batch of HCbowlers. Right, and to the newly formed EXCO, all the best tanking #$%#@#@^ and leading the team to greater heights.

To batchmates:
Yaay. Blocks are in 12 days.

But thats beside the point. I know I havent had the time to like thank people, but I really ought to thank everyone of you for like...being you. And really good, fun people to be around during trainings, outings and Adivs-ing.
Because there's nobody nobody but you. *clap clap*

Milo's at the end of the year anyone?


p.s. gg aaron. now the damn song is stuck in my head. i looped it 12 times.

delphius` | 8:50 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Montage Thing
I hear many of you can't think of anything to say or don't want to put it in the video. If so, just email me telling me that and I'll see how many responses I get. Not worth it putting like 5 people's shoutouts in the video anyway. Thanks.

Update: Idea most likely scrapped. Too few responses. Feel free to put your shoutouts right here on the blog itself if you want. Montage will be out maybe after the chalet.

icyveins | 9:47 PM

hmm sorry, this is kinda late, but then again it's not VERY important...

k anyway the interview format will largely be the same as last year's. all seniors present will form the interview panel, and the interviewer to interviewee ratio will be around 10:1. good experience for future job/scholarship interviews, no? nyahahaha.

we'll give you a missed call and you shall proceed to the secret hideout. bring your self and we recommend that you leave your dignity behind.


so yeah, that is all.

if you have any last words (for the team montage), tell gabriel now!

noreen | 9:25 PM

Hi ppl!

Chalet bungalows just cfmed,
A10 and A09

As the check in time is at 2pm, i would suggest everyone who can make it gather at pasir ris mrt at 1.45pm for the shuttle bus. Buses come at 30min intervals.

Hope most of you can make it, and please rmb to bring your towels, toothbrush, and other necessities, dont want smelly ppl to stink up the chalet :)

See you all tmr!

A(h)den | 7:40 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
hey every birdie (j1s and j2s)

ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD ON THE morning OF day 2 SO IN THE MEANTIME, MAKE SURE YOU ALL know who you'll be voting for. Voting will be anonymous.

-- UPDATED June  13th -- 



Aden Lam 

Chuan Dewei 

Cyril Ting 

Aaron Tan 

Loh Jun Yan 

Ng Jian Tong Roy

Goh Xin Yan 

Lee Sok Khoong (... children, this is why you should never copy and paste blindly)

Gerald Har

*These will also be the candidates for vice-captaincy. There will be 2 categories: Male and Female Vice-Captain, candidates will be separated accordingly. You'll have to vote for these 2 positions as well.


Caleb Lim 

Melvin Ng 

Cyril Ting 

Aaron Tan 

Lee Sok Khoong


Caleb Lim 

Goh Yu Xuan 

Melvin Ng 

Ng Jian Tong Roy

Gerald Har

Quarter master: 

Goh Yu Xuan 

Aden Lam 

Loh Jun Yan

So far Mr Ho has not said anything about the elections format, so we shall proceed. 


Be prepared for your interview on monday night. Muacks darlings, don't lose sleep over it! ;)

noreen | 10:50 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hi pplz, the rouge chalet schedule outline is as followed:

Day 1:
Check in.
Mini-farewell for those who can only make it for that day.

Day 2:

Mug more.

Day 3:
No makan.
Book out.
Now makan.

Check in at 2pm on 15 June, need to check out by 10am on 17 June.

For all seniors who can only make it for the first day, its k. We know you need to mug more for the blocks.
But theres a special surprise!for those who can stay on for day 2 (:
And no, its not the BBQ.
Whatever your choice, you will always be in our <3s.

Hwa Chong Institution College Section Bowling Team Whoosh!

A(h)den | 6:34 PM
Saturday, June 6, 2009
For Posterity
Hello all,
While the video montage is being made, try to think of stuff you want to say to everyone. I'm thinking of putting all of your messages in the "credits" of the montage, when everyone is emo and about to cry after seeing so many photos blabla. So yeah, please email me what you want to say to others, hopefully by next friday before the chalet.

In a format something like this:
"To Ding Chun : I hate you/<3 you
To X: blabla
To Y: blabla
To everyone in general: blabla
To juniors/seniors: blabla"

You don't have to give one message for every single person; anyway I'm pretty sure you can't come up with something special for each and every one of us without getting repetitive, and it would make the montage a prolix one anyway. Just whoever you want to say something to. Make this work okay people? The one thing I ask of all of you =X

icyveins | 9:19 PM